We know the people who need treatment as our friends that we can solve their problems not as patients…
And we have become a big family…
Now we are welcoming our precious friends to be a part of this big family in our clinic…
We are providing you a comfortable place with our cheerful staff. Your happiness is our priority.
We are presenting reliable and high quality treatments with our doctors who are specialists in their fields.
We are providing service by our equipments with latest technology and safe treatments as Style Dental Clinic.
You may have an appointment and get detailed information about our services by calling the phone number below.
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry aiming to correct incompatibility between the positions of teeth and jaws each other. Meaning of the word means Ortho: Uniform Donti/ Dent: Tooth in Greek.
Read MorePeriodontology, is a branch of science analyzing anatomy, physiology and histology of soft and hard tissues surrounding teeth; searching the diseases of those tissues, providing treatment for those diseases and maintaining continuity of health obtained as a result of the treatment.
Read MoreEsthetic dentistry; is an important branch of dentistry dealing with reorganizing oral and dental region in terms of health and esthetic. Its’ main theme is consist of healthy smile design. Smile design is to restore the personal ideal smile with health and naturality.
Read MoreThis is a treatment type which replaces tooth loss by placing titanium or ceramic based artificial roots into jaw bone and preparing fixed or removable prosthesis for patients loosing their natural teeth due to various reasons like trauma, gingiva disease and caries.
Read MoreThis is a filling type between standard filling treatment and full crown. Inlay and Onlay ceramic filling is an optimum treatment choice for damaged teeth which can not be filled with classical filling methods.
Read MoreThis is a branch of science performing necessary diagnosis and treatment methods used for healing of hard and soft tissue diseases, injuries and disorders in oral and dental region for people in all age groups.
Read MoreThis is a branch of science aiming to maintain health and solve problems of deciduous and permanent teeth due to caries, trauma, genetic and similar factors for kids in 0-13 age group.
Read MoreA branch of dentistry dealing with diseases of dental pulp (vital tissue inside the tooth consist of vessels and nerves) and tissues surrounding tooth and also preventing, diagnosing and treating those diseases and focusing pulp tissue injuries.
Read MorePerforming dental treatment during the first and last 3 months of pregnancy is not preferred. However, by consulting to your doctor it can be done if there isn’t any problem.
Of course it is not. In fact there is a department based on this procedure. Dental calculus is the effective factor of all gingival diseases. Consequently it should be removed from the mouth by experienced and conscious hands. However, staying away from oral hygiene procedures and saying’ anyway my dentist will clean it’ will facilitate accumulation of dental calculus. The important thing is to keep teeth clean, not to clean dental calculus. Because dental calculus removal is not a cosmetic procedure, it is a treatment type.
They don’t need to be extracted if they are in right position inside the mouth, in contact with the opposite tooth and if they don’t have any caries.
In generally braces don’t effect your speech. However you will have an adaptation period for a certain time when they are first applied.
When an implant is completed its’ integration with jaws then there is no possibility of coming out.
Implants require care like our own teeth. People with good oral hygiene can use their implants for long years under routine doctor control.
Braces are removed from teeth surface when the treatment is completed. If the patient was careful about his/her oral hygiene during the treatment period then there are no stains; otherwise decays may be observed.
You should bring your child to a dentist when his/her first deciduous tooth erupts or after his/her first birthday. Usually the first tooth eruption is between 6. Months and 12 months..