+90 542 530 52 61 / +49 176 62619691 styledentalclinictr@gmail.com
+90 542 530 52 61 / +49 176 62619691 styledentalclinictr@gmail.com

Implant Disorders

Implant Disorders


Peri implantitis; is inflammation of tissues surrounding the implant.


Implants are tissues replaced for teeth in case of tooth loss. However, those structures are more defenseless than teeth. The biggest reason of this situation is, natural teeth have fibrils emerging from gingiva and bone structures, they are binding to teeth and acting as a natural barrier for transferring the inflammation into inner tissues however, those structures only exist at the gingival part of the implant and they are limited. Therefore, inflammation spreads faster on implant surfaces. If the inflammation surrounding the implant is at gingiva level, this is called peri-implant mucositis. It leads peri- implant hard and soft tissue loss when it is not treated, if this condition proceeds, treatment becomes more difficult and success rate decreases. In advanced cases, treatment may become more complicated or even impossible.


For treatment of initial phase of peri- implantitis, curretage and oral hygiene education is sufficient but in advanced phases operational interventions may be required.

Working Hours

Monday – Friday09.00 - 17.00
Saturday 09.00 - 17.00

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