Gingiva inflammation is called gingivitis. Color, shape, form and consistency of gingiva starts to change together with gingiva inflammation. The most common sign of gingiva inflammation is gingival bleeding. Vascularization of gingiva starts to increase together with gingiva inflammation, thus the color of gingiva turns from coral pink to red, rete pegs which provide orange peel look to gingiva start to loose together with proceeding inflammation of gingiva. Gingiva loses its’ original shape due to more serum transfer to tissue from vessels related with the inflammation. If this condition is not treated and proceeds then ulcerations start on sulcus and this leads bleeding.
The biggest cause of gingivitis is related with bacteria inside the food remnants in not brushed area and it is called microbial dental plaque. However in some situations it may not be related with microbial dental plaque.
Gingivitis not related with microbial dental plaque may have different forms; bacterial originated Streptococcal gingivitis, viral originated herpetic gingivitis or desquamative gingivitis associated with systemic diseases.
Treatment of gingivitis related with microbial dental plaque is relatively easy. Gingiva can regain its’ health with a good dental and root surface cleaning and subsequently a proper polishing of tooth surfaces and then a good oral hygiene in 7-10 days.
Treatment of gingivitis not related with microbial dental plaque is a little more complicated and difficult. Primarily it should be diagnosed correctly and assistant medical agents should be selected according to this. Antibiotics are helpful for bacteria related gingivitis but antibiotics are not effective in viral or systemic originated periodontitis. The treatment is completed with a good dental and root surface cleaning and polishing together with oral hygiene education after the cause of gingivitis is detected and removed correctly . However routine controls are very important for recurrence of this disease.